Training Overview

How is This Training Unique?

Typical FCC training courses place competitors in one room preventing detailed refinery specific discussions.  Teaching is therefore limit to the basic principles of FCC operations (delta coke, effects of riser temperature, etc.).  Furthermore, operators are less focused on theory and more focused on practical solutions to real time issues.  Effective FCC training merges the basic operating principles with the specific issues faced in operating your unit.

This course benefits from 32+ years of FCC experience which has been focused on the process optimization, catalysis and unit troubleshooting. This is not a course on FCC theory but a hands-on approach fully customized to your operations.

One Goal:

Maximize the conversion of your feed stocks in a safe and reliable manner.


Fully Customized Modules

This training is built with your data including:  unit goals & constraints • feed quality • operating data • yield selectivities • ecat data • fresh catalyst data • equipment data sheets • vessel drawings • inspection records • photographs of key operating equipment.

Your input is critical!

No one knows your unit better than you. Your guidance on which points to emphasize while building the program will be heavily relied upon.

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If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough
— Albert Einstein